This France situation confuses me.
1. Why are young people rioting over pension reform that doesn't even affect them yet.
2. How does raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 even make that big of a difference?
3. Did any of these people stop and think that maybe the retirement age was raised because they couldn't AFFORD it?
This seems like a low IQ riot to me.
@basedbagel I've been told that the riots are also anti Great Reset and anti WEF/NATO, but that the media is painting them with the same brush and declaring them "anti-pension reform" riots in order to suck the WEF/NATO cock harder.
@37712 @basedbagel The evolution of force goes
peaceful protests > riots > civil war
When they ignore the first, you do the second. When they ignore the second, you do the third.
you get the government you tolerate.
@Tfmonkey @37712 That makes ALOT more sense.