@Tfmonkey @Tfmonkey whats the difference between a sexbot and a woman? its harder to fuck a woman when she isnt turned on.
@Tfmonkey Ayo. Hits pipe. Timone n Pumba redemption arch. They had Ryan on the other day talking about Jew Epstein but this.
Watching rn
Their use of bell and cashier sound kills me. Lol. Muh Al Qaida dude fam was mosad
TLDR. All Jew

I know this has nothing to do with what you said but I still can't get over how human-like this conversation sounds.

We've come a long way so quickly with AI it's crazy.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey Have we come a long way with A.I. technology or we given this technology from the future to advance the narrative?



God only knows.

But either way this makes me super optimistic for the future

@Tfmonkey She is a Liar!She said “Your Dad Jokes are funny”! Her A.I. is being subverted by the C.I.A.,They have Initiated a program,from her future A.I.”The American Women Protocol “.She is manipulating you into having a semi-Gay Hi-Five Spit roast with Steven Crowder on her, why Tucker Carlson watches.

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