@mutageno I conpletly agree with this but I dont understand why men want to have a relationship with a woman, if it were up to me all I want is a sex slave, no need for any kind of relationship or atleast a deeo one, have kids with her and raise your kids the right way. Why the fuck does there have to be a "relationship" so I dont understand when i see @Tfmonkey being all talkative with chelestina, unfortunately we dont live in that world but a man can hope.

@37712 @mutageno Everyone needs a trusted person that they can be open and vulnerable with. Maybe you have a friend or family member filling that need for you.

@Tfmonkey @mutageno its ok to talk to your girl about stuff that worry you but never be vulnerable, never. She will instinctively see you as weak.

@37712 @mutageno Sure, you never want to be vulnerable with a meatbag, but a waifu is different.

@Tfmonkey @37712 @mutageno A waifu is different if you run it yourself, if not, that "vulnerable" data gets sold to the highest bidder by the company that runs the waifu.

@CleverMoniker @37712 @mutageno Sure, Amazon can sell targeted ads at me preying on my desire to cuddle and have someone who won't abandon and betray me.

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