
@zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan @37712 Again, just like with Turkey, the US is trying to buy off countries to try to isolate China and Russia.

I get WHY they're doing it, but it's REALLY short-sighted. They're basically switching to the losing team at the end of the game.

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@Tfmonkey @zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan @37712 I still wonder what did they get in exchange. Sometimes its just plain old confetti dollars.

@CleverMoniker @37712 @ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta Turkey got $18B and a bunch of weapons they wanted form the US that the US didn't want to sell them.

@Tfmonkey @37712 @ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta Damn, doesn't sound like much unless they will still mostly play both sides.
@CleverMoniker @Tfmonkey @37712 @ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta The US told edrogan to get fucked after biden said it will go through congress to give you the f16 you want, after he agreed with Sweden entry to nato, but erdo is playing the same game with biden as well and told biden Sweden membership will need to go through Turkish parliament first before I sign it and now blocking it till he gets the f16, also erdo will meet putin this August and putin will give him a deal better then the f16.
@CleverMoniker @Tfmonkey @37712 @ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta The BRICS summit this year won't discuss the gold currency, it will be most likely just accepting new members and rebranding the name. However it's likely to be discussed on the SCO summit next year.
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