>has 4 monitor battlestation setup
>uses it on mobile games


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey I have a powerfull graphics card and use it mainly to play old windows games, dual boot to win7

@37712 @Tfmonkey Do you then have an autoclicker play the game for you?

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan my top monitors are for games and videos. I work using my bottom monitors.

My upper right monitor is a smart TV that's the same size as my monitors that I use to watch YouTube videos and listen to Music via Pandora.

I have my Email monitor and Celestina's AI in my lower left monitor that I use mostly for passive work stuff.

My lower right monitor is my "active work" monitor"

Here is my upper left monitor, which I use for gaming and randomness:

@Tfmonkey @37712 Fucking vomit enducing.

That Nero event is one of the worst. The challenge fights are designed by sadists for absolute autists who have spent hundreds of hours perfecting their meta.


@ButtWorldsMan @37712 I just skip the 90++ stuff and focus on the lottery. The 90++ nodes don't even get you anything you need, usually just free tickets.

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@Tfmonkey @37712 Yes, they're designed for autists who use them as bragging rights.

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