under @Tfmonkey 's system of government, would it be a good idea to make voting mandatory for those who are eligible to vote?

@37712 yes, mandatory voting is the best defense against voter fraud because if anyone tries to vote on behalf of someone, they'll be caught.

@Tfmonkey would this not open the door to mail in voting for veterans who are disabled and would veterans also not open the door to welfare for them bc they protected the country and are now all fucked up and they could pull on the heart string of the nation through jewish bad actors who wish to suvbert the nation through news outlets to make an emotional movement to give welfare to veterans and over the years expand that to other groups

@37712 the veterans can only vote for the President unless they're also net taxpayers as well.

@Tfmonkey @37712 So we are all in agreement that there is no saving this republic but this could be instituted when the states are Balkanized for those regions


@Scubbie @37712 The Republic has already fallen, you just don't see it.

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