@Tfmonkey I just wanted to apologize for your future ban from youtube or whatever platform. It is my and @MrpoopyButhole's fault because we of your community dareth to sayeth the word nigger-eth.

Just remember to blame us for it. Okay? Okay. Good talk.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey I will continue to express my freedom of reach to all of my speech. Monica. Vinegar.

@MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey I think you whipped Jamal too hard, buthole. He went from the plantation to the salt mine.


@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole It wasn't what Poopy said, it was what Jamal himself said. He's angling the whole "I lost money, I'm a victim, give me money" shit that normies always do.

I tolerated him hoping he'd learn something, but obviously nothing is sticking, and I'm sick of his bullshit.

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@Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole I'm more referring to how much more bitter he has become the last couple of months. The UNG shit has him turbo salty, and he's become more emotional lately. Look at his response to Poopy. Half of it is nonsensical due to poor punctuation and presentation. I bet he was seething writing that. Poopy's cavalier attitude set him off because projecting his concerns onto new investors who could lose like he did.

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole He's just like those normies who bought houses they couldn't afford with dollar signs in their eyes, and then when the bubble burst, they cried about "predatory lending" and cried to the government about what victims they were.

I HATE those people. They take no responsibility for any of their choices, and they're the EXACT reason I never answer "timing questions", because these fuckers will accuse you of lying to them if you don't see the future.

I hate them.

@Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole Yea, they're like sand. They're irritating faggots who get everywhere because there's so many of them. They're also coarse and rough and whatever. Fuck sand.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan ah geez ah man don't ban him for being a retard. I need my wall of retards to keep the feds away. I miss zor and the other guy.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole For him it is unfortunate. It was good to endeavour to help him, but we can only show where the spring is. We cannot make them drink.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan I blame doubleD cuz um he didn't spam post read the prospectus. And is kasualkraken still around? I wanna see some titties!

@MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan The funny thing about this comment is that I was going to compliment you for mentioning earlier to Makaveki about reading the prospectus, but I became busy.

@MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan Besides, how many times must I quote Rule #2 to people? (Apparently more frequently)

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