
Some people think I'm not antisemitic enough, but I'm basically on the same level as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. I acknowledge the Jews need to be dealt with, but I also know history, and know that even if we destroyed the Jews (as Rome did) we would still fall to the same corruption from a different source (as Rome did). Jews are but one manifestation of the adage that power corrupts, including power granted by pity.

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@Tfmonkey Rome didnt finish off Judea, that was their mistake, they needed to go Carthage on them.

@Tfmonkey Clearly Roman failed spectacularly on their task since they ended up worshipping a Jew on a stick and spreading the word of the synagogue of satan throughout europe.


The other book:
Note: have now locked this book behind a login.

It's still banned, and Russia continues to ban an official English translation. @mrhorsetwat is the only one here who might be able to read it in the original Russian.

Jordan Peterson dodging the JQ:

Note: this video's quality keeps being laughably degraded.

@Tfmonkey the same way you view the voting public as also to blame for societal decline, I blame the weakness of the west for allowing themselves to be guilted into submission.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

“I can’t really do much with Nietzsche. He is more an artist than a philosopher; he doesn’t have the crystal-clear understanding of Schopenhauer. Of course, I value Nietzsche as a genius. He writes possibly the most beautiful language that German literature has to offer us today, but he is not my guide.”
― Adolf Hitler

It's funny that it took someone like Hitler to see unlimited freedom in Schopenhauer where everyone else saw pessimism.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

"..connect with your breath and merely observe the sensations and colors as the child's head explodes .."

Classic Zen.


> if we destroyed the Jews (as Rome did) we would still fall to the same corruption from a different source

This stance presumes all corruption is equal. This is clearly and undeniably false. Corruption is subject to the same inequality that all traits have to.

Some are just better at it than others, and the Jews are better at it than anyone else. This cannot be denied given all that we know.

The part that no-one likes to talk about is the metaphysics behind Jewish corruption.

@Tfmonkey TFM when you are going to admit that you are wrong about inmigration Is about sustaining The welfare state

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