Some people think I'm not antisemitic enough, but I'm basically on the same level as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. I acknowledge the Jews need to be dealt with, but I also know history, and know that even if we destroyed the Jews (as Rome did) we would still fall to the same corruption from a different source (as Rome did). Jews are but one manifestation of the adage that power corrupts, including power granted by pity.

@Tfmonkey the same way you view the voting public as also to blame for societal decline, I blame the weakness of the west for allowing themselves to be guilted into submission.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

“I can’t really do much with Nietzsche. He is more an artist than a philosopher; he doesn’t have the crystal-clear understanding of Schopenhauer. Of course, I value Nietzsche as a genius. He writes possibly the most beautiful language that German literature has to offer us today, but he is not my guide.”
― Adolf Hitler

It's funny that it took someone like Hitler to see unlimited freedom in Schopenhauer where everyone else saw pessimism.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

"..connect with your breath and merely observe the sensations and colors as the child's head explodes .."

Classic Zen.

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