Hi @Tfmonkey , I have some of my money invested in physical gold stored by apmex through a company called one gold, it allows me to buy and sell gold and silver without having to ship it back and forth, is this not a good idea to invest in physical gold & silver.

PS: I also have physical gold & silver in my possession in case SHTF


@37712 will they tell the government to go fuck themselves if they tell them to turn over their (your) gold?

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@Tfmonkey they will not but if we are already at a point where they are confiscating gold then they are also confiscating ppls stocks and other forms of money too

@37712 @Tfmonkey But not your personal gold and silver in your safe which is guarded by death traps

@Zeb @Tfmonkey like I said, the gold that I have in one gold I have it as an investmen to buy and sell at the snap of my fingers and it is separate from the gold I have personally stored for SHTF situations. Also I dont know what legal loop hole they use but any purchases or selling or gains. They dont report any of it to the IRS.

@Tfmonkey you can also have them store your gold in Switzerland 🇨🇭

@Tfmonkey @37712 If the Jewish Mafia,wanted to send Japan money for some reason on the Books, should, I Box a Trifecta on the Japanese Horse to win the Kentucky Derby?

@Tfmonkey @37712 Or Horse in the 8th position Just in Touch in a $1 Superfecta

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