My boomer dad serves as a good measuring stick for what the conservatives of his generation have for a worldview. And for the most part, it is frustrating to get him to see things from a perspective that is not the controlled opposition "right wing" sources of news he gets.

But it made me realize that things can get better when the older generations are no longer in charge (mainly due to them finally dying). Can, but not guaranteed, as we still have to get through the hard times that are coming

@houseoftolstoy Gen X ain't much better. Just somehow 'It's totally changing', 'Things will get better', 'It has always been this way' Really honestly I feel it takes Millennials and onwards to not have an insane amount of Normalcy bias towards the changes in the world. Feels like generally too people 40 and older have just known the world the way it was for so long and simply can not accept or are unwilling to see change even with reason.

@Tfmonkey Keep dreaming TFM this Vaccines won't kill or discapacited enough people to Make a real change

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