@Tfmonkey I am. I had a good 2 mile run this morning before dawn, and there is a lovely breeze coming in my window.

@Tfmonkey I'm almost finished with Elden Ring's DLC and enjoy tea and sandwiches.

@Lorgar have you tried avocado toast? I know there is a meme that it's for hippies, but it's basically just toast with avocado and a fried egg, and it's a very simple tasty dish for the morning.

@Tfmonkey I will try but it's very hard to find avocadoes and other fresh vegetables down there in Africa.

@Lorgar I see. Avocados are pretty ubiquitous in California, but if you live in Africa then some type of light fat should work. Nothing too greasy or heavy.

@Tfmonkey - I had a wake-up call. Played laser-tag with my boys yesterday (I quasi-adopted my son's cousin as a nephew - cuckish or building a future army? 🤔 eye of the beholder 💁🏻‍♂️). And I was worn out for the next 6hrs... that ain't how I remember things. So, I must be getting old.

I may go for a bike-ride later today as it cools down. 🍻

@Tfmonkey - I just realized this is probably referring to market antics. I tell ya, if I didn't have a big pile of properly stored food, gasoline, and lead... 🤔 I'd probably be more concerned right now.

Nothing like peace of mind. 🍻

@Tfmonkey About as good as can be expected.

How's your day been?
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