I've considered myself redpilled for years now, but I can't ovestate how redpilling the last 2 years has been in so many different areas..
Uvalde single-handedly confirmed to millions that something like your take was even possible.
Logic and instinct tells me this was also a combination of both.
@Tfmonkey @UncleIroh
Boiling the frogs on full gas.
On the Omicron variant. There have been scientific studies performed on the variant that strongly suggest it was engineered. That it contains markers that cannot possibly be the result of natural evolution.
The theory goes that it was a White-Hat lab-engineerd antidote.
@Tfmonkey @UncleIroh Old solution to new cathedral problems,Thinking about Halloween decorations old used sex dolls impaled in the front yard for practice
@UncleIroh The reason things appear to be less subtle is because time is short.
COVID was supposed to be the Cathedral's ticket to impose their "reset", and Omicron killed it.
They were going to use Ukraine to neutralize Russia so they could focus on China, as they are the only two countries that threaten them. That's not going well either.
Lastly, they need to reset the monetary system with CBDC before the welfare runs out in less than 10 years.
Interesting times ahead.