BREAKING COVERT INTEL: "Operation Catastrophe" 15 U.S. City "Attack" to be BLAMED ON "Hamas".. Today I received information claiming "Operation Catastrophe" is a plan for a 15 (U.S.) city attack -- false flag -- by "Hamas" to trigger a controlled economic collapse, and complete, lengthy, internet outage, and war.
15+ cities will allegedly be targeted. Airports, subway stations, and banks will all allegedly be hit.


One, UNVERIFIED SOURCE claims the following cities are ALLEGEDLY among the targets BUT THIS LIST IS NOT VERIFIED:
Washington, DC
San Francisco, CA
Santa Clara, CA
Los Angeles, CA
San Diego, CA
Arlington, VA
Alexandria, VA
Dallas, TX
All Major Florida Cities
Boston, MA
Raleigh, NC
Philadelphia, PA
Detroit, MI
Denver, CO
Chicago. IL
Kansas City, MO
Oklahoma City, OK
Seattle, WA
Tucson, AZ
Phoenix, AZ

All of these cities are under heavy FBI surveillance right now


@VooDooMedic nothing ever posted on 4chan is verified. The Q tards came from 4chan, and that Q shit is just a psyop. You're just setting yourself up to be easily duped. But you need it. One day you'll learn to stop trusting anonymous users on a random shitposting site.


@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic

Surprisingly good advice.

Learn when to be a corgi and when to be a wolf. Master this and only then will you be able to ride untouched amongst the Qtards in your final form.

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