
"Anti-Semitic Stereotypes of the Jewish Body
Folk beliefs about horns and big noses have served to demonize Jews"

"led to the widespread notion that all Jews had devilish horns."

"Even in the 21st century there are places where ignorant people remain under the impression that Jews have horns"



It's amazing how consistent the perception and response to Jews are across time and culture.

@UncleIroh - Is the Portuguese arrival early enough to be woven into folklore... Or is this from Phoenician days? Were they really that good at sailing?... 🤔🤔😅


Honestly, I don't know, not without doing a deep dive and i'm not interested enough to spend time doing that.

BUT, the other way this could happen is that it's how it feels that kind of person would look like if they existed.

You can imagine the type - the negative, bitter, betraying parasite that smiles at you as they stab you in the back.

Personify that and what do you get? A freakin Jew!!

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