Breaking news exclusively on the Merovingian Asshole Network (MAN). The story is developing. Musk is stirring the pot. He is currently stirring a lot of shit on this sunny Saturday afternoon.

The MAN will continue to be on the case.

MAN update: At this point, the only way Alex Jones doesn't get back on Xwitter is if the election is rigged, or Musk pulls an excuse out of his ass about how a 3rd party (because the blame has to fall elsewhere) is making it difficult to comply with the will of the people.

Both are low probability, so I consider Alex Jones effectively reinstated to Xwitter dot com. Honestly should just bring his account back the minute that poll ends.

MAN will be here to report the poll results in 9 hrs.

Let's wait until midnight when the thousands of undead votes come out and vote for Biden...I mean, No


@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan

If I were Elon I'd be using polls as a way to identify bot accounts. He probably is doing that.

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