My cynical/realist interpretation of what's happening: Musk is not at the same point he was before when he rejected bringing Jones back. He's chosen not to completely cave to the regime to bring back ads, so giving the impression of replatforming Jones is good optics, & he's in an optics war. He needs the people's support, so he can't be as negative against Jones as he used to be. Everything he does is out of self-interest (with some whimsy), not for the greater good. This could be interesting.

Breaking news exclusively on the Merovingian Asshole Network (MAN). The story is developing. Musk is stirring the pot. He is currently stirring a lot of shit on this sunny Saturday afternoon.

The MAN will continue to be on the case.

MAN update: At this point, the only way Alex Jones doesn't get back on Xwitter is if the election is rigged, or Musk pulls an excuse out of his ass about how a 3rd party (because the blame has to fall elsewhere) is making it difficult to comply with the will of the people.

Both are low probability, so I consider Alex Jones effectively reinstated to Xwitter dot com. Honestly should just bring his account back the minute that poll ends.

MAN will be here to report the poll results in 9 hrs.

All right, Musk. Cut the fucking theatrics. Do the thing. Break the conditioning. Stop delaying.


The @ RealAlexJones account has been restored on Xwitter dot com.

The account just retweeted Tate. In other news, professional faggots are big mad.

With the reinstatement of Alex Jones to Xwitter dot com, @Tfmonkey is now officially the last person left banned on that platform. Literally the last person. Literally.

He is now officially more oppressed than gamers and jews, in that order.

Your sacrifice will be remembered. Thank you for your service.

This has been buttworldsman with MAN news. Signing off.

@ButtWorldsMan But will TFM get unbanned? If Alex Jones gets unbanned and TFM stays banned, then he will be the undisputed most banned champion.


The 10-D chess you imagine going on is really not that complicated.


I'm looking forward to the MadLad getting back in the game. Should be a fun ride.

It's a dangerous move: Alex Jones knows exactly who and what the pedojooz are. I don't think Musk is ready for this fight yet

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan

What if Elon Musk was never the real name of a real person

What if Elon Musk is a fictional character written by script writers working on the same team as the owners of the media outlets and social media networks

We already know at least part of the moon landing was simulated and at least some of the footage inside the space station uses computer generated images

Why would Lone Skum who is in charge of space x or space sex be anything but a space liar?

@ButtWorldsMan It's about time, now I need my account looked at like this.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @ButtWorldsMan

So much salt. The reeeing will be legendary, and I have my popcorn ready.

The only thing they have over Elon, and this is a big one, is Apple and Google threatening to pull the app off their appstores.

@ButtWorldsMan The good news is the internet is essentially forever. The bad news is, well, the Internet is forever.

Let's wait until midnight when the thousands of undead votes come out and vote for Biden...I mean, No

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan

If I were Elon I'd be using polls as a way to identify bot accounts. He probably is doing that.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

That's the first time I've seen the may-may that got TFM banned. That actually made me snort, I hope she was super pissed.

@ButtWorldsMan, appreciate you manning the desk at the Merovingian Asshole Network.

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