homosexuality is usually associated (either as cause or effect — it would be hard to say which) with sadism, [12] and that sadism in turn, when it does not find an outlet in acts of brutal violence, inspires the passion for “equality” and “social justice” that masquerades as “idealism” and is accepted as such by unsuspecting persons who do not see that the only purpose of the “idealists” is to incite the violence and brutality that will give them a vicarious delight


@shortstories It's associated with sadism because child abuse can lead to homosexuality. Besides that, it's neither the cause nor the effect of sadism.

Sex encompasses both sadism and masochism. The submissive female (or a gay bottom) is the recipient of violence and the dominant male is the one who inflicts it. This is especially true in species where sex is more painful, like ducks.
Homosexuality is just a deviation that is detrimental to both the species as a whole and the individual.

@shortstories And the reason why gays are all about "equality" and "social justice", is because they are a minority who wishes to subvert the majority, especially given their number one fantasy is to convert a straight guy plus the fact that a few of them became gay due to being abused in their youth and wish to do the same.
Again, it's not homosexuality itself that makes them sadistic or SJWs, but their desire to subvert the culture, just like zionists and other parasitic groups.


@shortstories is right on the money here. To demonstarte this we need look no further than one of Western Enlightenment's most important cultural thinkers who Liberals have enjoyed as their dirty little secret for centuries - the Marquis de Sade - the person for whom sadism is literally named.

Publicly banned everywhere until recently, his books were always widely available to aristocracies in their private libraries.

@UncleIroh No he isn't. Perversion is part of nature, have you seen what animals do to each other? Are dolphins liberals and egalitarians?
Human society is no different, it was always perverted. Those with means always exploited the ones with less.

@UncleIroh In contrast, religions like Christianity preached modesty to the peasants, so that they could be better exploited. Not everyone gets to be in the ruling class and have endless slaves and prostitutes. So how do you keep the rabble satisfied with their condition? Make them believe God rewards the pure and weak and punishes the greedy and wicked. Tell them that slaving away is good for the soul and that they shouldn't wish to dominate and enslave others. That's human purity, an illusion.

@UncleIroh Does this however mean we should just surrender to it all and become perverts as well? Obviously not, we have agency as individuals. Recognizing that death, disease and perversion are part of nature, doesn't mean we have to give up. Even though the universe doesn't see them as "wrong", we should still strive to be better, for our own individual sake.


> ... we should still strive to be better.

> have you seen what animals do to each other .. Human society is no different

You materialist atheist types are funny. From your perspective, the only difference between man and animals is in the complexity and capability of the human brain, i.e you do not require a belief in a higher power or have any metaphysical assumptions.

We are simply animals of another stripe.


And yet the contradictions in your 2 statements is obvious. "Better" how, why, for what purpose, by whose standard etc

My view is not that. As a Christian I add moral agency, the soul, divine purpose & free will to human life.

Good & evil exist in my worldview.

The way you describe Christianity is laughable. Pure Enlightenment Darwinism with some oppressor/oppressed dialectics stuff thrown in.

In a venn diagram of beliefs, you and I are 2 entirely separate circles.

@UncleIroh TFM talks about it all the time, we're the ones who give ourselves a purpose. What is religion if not a story told by men to give themselves a purpose and ease their existential pain?
And I'm not saying life itself has no purpose, it obviously does. However we, as individuals, are too small to have a purpose at a universal scale. As a species we might have a little more purpose, but even then, humans are unlikely to be the pinnacle and center point of all life in the universe.

@UncleIroh You don't need a religion to add moral agency or purpose. Animals have those things as well. Many share morals like protecting the young or avoiding cannibalism. Morals first came from our instincts. Religion did not invent them.

I described Christianity as it was used by its leaders. Why do you think confession was a thing? Religions are manmade and used to control people. Faith, on the other hand, is personal and true. The alternative to Religion isn't Atheism, it's individualism.


Like I said, we are entirely distinct circles in the venn diagram. We learn absolutely nothing from each other.

The only difference being that I used occupy the same circle you do, and I'm acutely aware of the impossibility of mere words having the power to change.

> The alternative to Religion isn't Atheism, it's individualism.

Live the Schopenhaur/Nietzschian dream. It's a deterministic, goal-less universe but don't let that stop you forging your own telos.



I'm not scoffing either. We both agree that your Inidividualism is precisely the way you need to go, but like the meme says, "we are not the same".

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