Most epic, loving this with a ear to ear grin.
@UncleIroh This is beautiful. More of this.
Hey @DoubleD, on the topics of thots, shouldn't your avatar here be two big double D tits?
@Zeb @UncleIroh Your imagination will do far more than any avatar I can put up.
@ugly_bastard_reborned @MuscleOrc1221 @fal1026
It's a genius level roast for thots.
They've got nothing except cope and seethe because it forces them to defend self-objectification and thottery.
It's like shoving a father's disapproval right in their collective face.
@UncleIroh @MuscleOrc1221 @fal1026 I love it because also shows what they could have been .But they will never get .
@ugly_bastard_reborned @MuscleOrc1221 @fal1026
Yes, it's like the Patriarchal Ghost of Christmas Future showing them the future they exchanged.
@VeganMGTOW @ugly_bastard_reborned @MuscleOrc1221 @fal1026
ikr. they're so salty it's hilarious.
@UncleIroh Love every single one of those comment