@UncleIroh if both of them can finally come to the conclusion that the state of israhell is the deepstate then why cant TFM figure it out


@37712 @Tfmonkey

I like how Candace titled that video as a play on the word "Israel" 🤣

My understanding of TFM's view on the deep state is very similar to mine, and also that of Academic Agent's (AA) view.

The simple answer is that there are multiple deep states. It's convenient to talk of one, The Cathedral, but that's a massive oversimplification since every Western nation has a domestic deep state that's also connected to supra-national deep states.

These diagrams may help.

@37712 @Tfmonkey

You can read about AA's version of the Cathedral in more detail here: forbiddentexts.substack.com/p/

I think the difference you're talking about is TFM's simple take on Orthodox Judaism, as if they are humble bagel shop owners who are against Zionism when the reality is that's a small ultra-orthodox subset of a subset.

Orthodox Jews as a block have enormous political & economic power across the West & Israel, and are the cultural seedbed of active hatred for Western culture.

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