I am considering expanding my business ventures to purchase a relative's agricultural land, but to do it, I'd have to mortgage the assets. I'd also have to run the agri business full time or get little sleep during harvest season.
I have time before the relative retires, and he's interested in me apprenticing under him because none of his kids care about the business.
It's a frightful prospect, but its also an amazing opportunity if I can make it work.

(I seriously doubt I could get him to let me inherit it either.)



I can totally understand the mixture of excitement and caution. Which way does your gut lean?

Do it because the opportunity is solid, and I'm in a good place to act on it based on the timeline I understand he's considering.


I've experienced rare times in my life where it takes more energy to resist an opportunity than it does to take the more "rational" path.

I'm not advocating for intuition-only decision making. Nope, just to give your gut due respect.

I suppose I did make a rational statement to answer your previous question.
My gut says, "yes," all the same though.

One should never allow intuition alone to guide a decision when there are other sources of information which can be leveraged. The intuition is a tool that is used after rational considerations to help unearth or warn of things not considered or which may require further consideration.

@DoubleD @UncleIroh Maybe if you need some one to take care of the agri if you have machines hire part timer for season

or rent it to some farmer in your area to take care of it.

Be true capitalist buy it and profit from it. But watch out for government that will drool over your farm fields.

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