
It's that time of year when the Trucks of Peace start driving into crowds.

No doubt this was another plucky young Muslim armed with nothing more than a knife, a truck and a dream, celebrating Christmas the only way they know how.


So I talked to this person who called themself a Muslim who was really interested in Christmas and even wanted to collect Christmas tree Ornaments

Many Muslims say they believe Jesus was born of a virgin which is what the whole Christmas thing is about

Kikes let Muslims enter Catholic Territory when they opened the gates of Toledo

A lot of real or alleged or fake Muslim terrorist attacks are sponsored and influenced by Kikes

ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

@UncleIroh this is one of the reasons there's an international globohomo psyop claiming that Elon Musk is the mostest evilest billionaire on the planet who has too much influence.


It's been so crazy to see how quickly and thoroughly they deployed maximum psyops against Elon after the Trump win.

Pure panic stations. Have you seen how batshit crazy Reddit's front page has gotten?? It's actually impressive.

And is anyone actually buying the "a car has driven" nonsense? I would LOVE to see some consistency going forward, and see headlines like:

"A knife cut off a head today .."

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