
Just some shit I had saved but never bothered to sort or catalog

@VooDooMedic Wow... You do realize that if we replace the words "women" and "men" by "useless eaters" and "elites" respectively, you'd basically be arguing for globalism, right?

Why do we need these worker ants when we have AI/robotics? We're the thinkers, we're the leaders who shape society, we're the human class.

Women aren't less human than men. Separating human rights from animal rights is nonsensical in this context and we do have to earn our rights because they aren't inalienable.


@Based_Accelerationist @VooDooMedic Woman neither humans or animals they are giant Children with boobs that shouldn't have rights

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@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist @VooDooMedic Is this a Furry sex domination thing,you share with your ball bumping buddies, not opposed to the barcode idea every one who takes a ride scans with the phone for contact traceing of stds,should be applied when they get their flower

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