So I succeeded tonight, so when I go to the gym I usually just go get a burger or something about 20$ but I didn't tonight, figured I'd just have ham on toast, it's not about the fast food persay it's more about the money I'm spending everyday basically, it needs to stop, so I made a conscious effort tonight to not and it worked well, not I just need to keep doing it and staying strong and I'll have more money
@VooDooMedic good job bro, something that helps me a lot to keep a good diet is to always eat something healthy on time so that the cravings dont make me cheat on my diet and cut down on my processed sugar intake as much as possible to help reduce the carvings.
@37712 i really need to start working on me diet i think that's what is holding me back the MOST in terms of fitness, i'm in the gym everyday almost 5-6 times a week for about an hour so i can start to see alot of gains, newbie gains but gains none the less, i'm loving it, i find it extremely enjoyable and for-filling so i have no issues with going now it's just polishing the edges