I'm still seeing normies talking about suing the gov and big pharma over the vax.

Why do people think suing will stop the gov from killing you?

How are they going to sue after a heart attack/VAIDS/Stroke?

We'll find out together!


It just goes to show you how strong group think and propaganda are that they can override.your own self-interest to SURVIVE.

I always knew that normies were stupid but this vax really takes the cake.

@basedbagel almost everyone i know at work is double vaxxed with a mirage of them being boosted 1-2 times some of them only got 1 booster then said fuck it others hqve just gotten the vax but no boosters but still they aren't free thinkers

@VooDooMedic No disrespect but FUCK Australia.

I don't know how the hell you get on over there without losing your mind. (Concentration camps like wtf?!)

Most of my normies are boosted too but they're harmless as long as you keep the conversations surface level.


@basedbagel but ultimately its the same here surface level conversations only

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