Better yet, just eat bugs. It’s good for the weather and it’ll help prevent racism.
@ My fitness bros,

@cuddlebaboon @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat the reason the government doesn't blame sugar is because it's not sugar, it's high-fructose corn syrup, and the reason we use high-fructose corn syrup is because the corn lobby is very influential, so we subsidize corn and tariff sugar from South America, making high fructose corn syrup cheaper.

Your body can't absorb fructose as energy (as opposed to glucose). It has to be processed by your liver. Too much fructose becomes fat as your liver is overloaded

@Tfmonkey @cuddlebaboon @VooDooMedic We have the same issue here in england. Doesn't matter the type, its still sugar. Most table sugar is sucrose with is a 50% 50% ratio of glucose and fructose. Besides, even if it was just pure glucose, these companies would just pack it in each food item we buy and we would still have the same problem.


@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @cuddlebaboon ultimately it's up to you to diet correctly and find this stuff on your own it probably should be taught from the earliest ages but $$ profits are too large for them to give it up

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