@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic

Are they trying to run out of water from the fire hydrants to intentionally be unable to put out fires

And then rich people buy the land after a fire occurs that they could not put out?

@shortstories @VooDooMedic The jews already stole $1 bil from us. And probably already own most things there.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic

Any land that was paid through a fractional reseve loan instead of a full reserve loan involving the mortgage is stolen by the "Jewish" banksters. All property tax is theft done by "Jews." The rent is increased by the amount of property tax increase and also is stolen by "Jews"

@shortstories @mrhorsetwat it was all the Jews that's the black pill literally everything wrong with society as a whole is either a straight up attack from the Jewish or benefits the Jews by destroying the lives of people they see everyone who isn't ethnically Jewish to be a pawn or chattel

@VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat

If there were no more Jews and this reduced the number of problems by 90% there would still be 10% of the problems we have right now left so your thinking is nieve and idealistic because it would not completely eliminate all the problems in the world instantly in less than 24 hours


@shortstories @mrhorsetwat ah yes the ol' but it doesn't solve everything puzzle well here's the good part about it, if we need to keep removing troublesome races and groups of people we can one problem at a time

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