@VooDooMedic Similar what Christianity Did to the Pagan World in Europe

@VeganMGTOW yup paganism was destroyed by the Christians when they couldn't invade using Rome's armies

@VooDooMedic I hope you're memeing because this is propaganda and not good propaganda either.

The symbolic implication that Communism and Capitalism result in the same outcomes and have a third way, i.e. fascism of some stripe, is not an accurate model. Fascism as seen in German Nazism is an idealistic governing type which relies on certain assumptions about humanity...

@VooDooMedic ya I love socialism too said the nationalist. Hey hans wanna give women rights and lose a war over it? Danke!!! I love some of their work but the economic part they kinda flubbed on.

Hey voodoo, you should watch the channel black pilled on odysse. A lot of great content you'll love and know exactly the Jewish plays they've been using essentially everywhere fo subvert the goyim.

@Zeb sypher also recommended him to me I haven't checked him out yet

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