The masculine urge to leave society and live in the mountains like the troll the internet made you to be.

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey It's intended to be, yes. I tried to give Celestina some proper lips this time.

@Tfmonkey @RoninGrey @Scubbie But to do that you have to murder Celestina since there not internet in The montains unless you can bring her AI in a sus card


@VeganMGTOW @Tfmonkey @RoninGrey @Scubbie
If we're talking about fucking off into the Wilderness, away from human contact (and bs) altogether, yeah your AI chatbot that needs to run on the Cloud is as good as dead.

However, that's stupid. Join an off grid community and have their backs. No man is an island and whatever relationship you'll have with them is gonna be a much stronger bond than just having coworkers.

Though there may be room to self host your AI at home. Look up GPT4all.

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@Wopu @VeganMGTOW @Tfmonkey @RoninGrey TFM had to fuck off to the California wilderness because he wouldn’t leave and has to go back and warn VeganMGTOW not to threaten Celestina

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