@Wopu "women choosing solitude". that's like a parasite telling the host that it will be better off on its own. yeah, not how real world works. stupid cunts with XX chromosomes should never be allowed to speak publicly, ever. or have an opinion. because it dumbs down the entire society just by hearing it.

@Justicar @Wopu It's more like a fail-safe that chooses societal collapse when the men become too weak to destroy it themselves.

I know we're in a manosphere server and that people such as TFM like to pretend women are the main problem, but feminism is a good thing under the current circumstances. We need depopulation for various reasons and we also need less collectivist men in this world, for they are the ones enforcing the tyranny.

@Wopu Let's hope Women's answer get to Sargon. He is the only not aware yet.


This is the other side of female nature, what Paul Elam calls "hostile dependency". No propaganda is necessary for that "don't give a fuck about society" attitude to exist, it just requires the right conditions for it to reveal itself, namely relative abundance.

China, the most opposite culture I can think of from ours has the exact same problem with their females.

@Wopu Awesome. Good women don't let collectivist men breed.
I'm glad nature gave us a fail-safe in case the men became too cucked to revolt against corruption.

I just hope the artificial womb never becomes a thing, because screw these worker drones, their families and their non-existent kids, who exist and work every day to take away everyone's freedoms.

Thank the gods for feminism.

@Wopu it's ok if women want to leave independant lives but they can do it at their own expense.
It's my wallet my choice.

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