@basedbagel - I'm no atheist, but I generally despise churches. The dynamic is all wrong in a church - far too much obedience.
I'm not a Christian either... Trinity never made sense, and after carrying Jesus's message to its logical conclusion, Jesus isn't someone I would choose to follow.
I believe God has many names, and there's room for mystery. I'm leaning toward Paganism these days.
Also, I had a near death experience during a young suicide attempt many years ago, that convinced me of ➡️
@YoMomz @basedbagel the day that I find a church that actually follows God's teaching I will sit down and listen but so far Islam is the future.
5) I don't like theocracies, as a general rule.
6) I'm not sure where the Islamic world stands on free market capitalism, but I'd bet money the West has a stronger tradition of it, cucked though it may be.
7) The Islamic world doesn't strike me as having a particularly strong tradition of using the scientific method (medieval times not withstanding). And even if I'm currently preparing for a dark age, I do like the scientific method.
@37712 @basedbagel - So... for these reasons and others, I'd prefer to de-cuck the West.
I think of the West dying, along the same lines as when a king dies: "The West is dead. Long live the West."
I intend to rebuild what I can, without women's rights. But as long as Muslims can be good neighbors, I have no beef with Muslims. 🍻
Oh yeah... and
8) I like alcohol on occasion. 😉