This dude Modern Life Dating has to be a cokehead or a glowie.

He said a woman should endure getting hit once to maintain the relationship....

Why the FUCK would you say that online not anonymous int this climate?

I'm no longer red pill, mgtow or anything related.

I refuse to be in a movement with people that say retard shit like this out loud.


@basedbagel - My personal view:

There's a balance. I'm fine with open hand slapping, shaking, restraining, bending over a knee and spanking... or otherwise demonstrating physical strength in a manner that doesn't permanently maim or injure (no broken bones, no missing teeth, & bruises are a sign that things went too far - so now you know your limits in disciplinary techniques).

Controlling a wife within reason, is necessary (for a functioning society). But don't break your wife.

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@basedbagel - The challenge of course, is in defining the phrase "within reason". A community must reach an accord on this, and enforce it among themselves (simple social pressure should be sufficient in the vast majority of cases).

But the optimal balance lies somewhere between knowing that broken wives (and mothers) are bad for any society, and out of control wives (and mothers) are also bad for any society.

Cheers. 🍻

@basedbagel - When you see videos of females getting knocked out in public, or you see the stories about "paying the toll" where some acceptably attractive female (often a mother) gets murdered... I can't help thinking to myself: What if she had simply been slapped around a little earlier in life?

Seemingly paradoxical, but I believe a greater acceptance of minor domestic violence, could reduce the number of such incidents. 🤔 And what's more, all the wreckage left in the wake of a chaotic ➡️

@basedbagel - ➡️ female's life... could have been averted, had she been slapped around a little. The parentless children left behind by females "paying the toll" would still have parents.

And by the time a broad is getting knocked out by a man in public, she's been out of control for years - probably spawning several bastard children and falsely accusing several innocent men by that point.

And it might all be averted, by simply slapping her around a little, earlier in life.

@basedbagel - And what's more... I'm no fan of truly abusive men - the tooth removers, the bone breakers... I don't like like those guys. I wouldn't be mad if they stopped breathing.

But in current zero-tolerance conditions, they reproduce at a greater rate than they otherwise would. Because they don't give a fuck. They're usually low-IQ with poor impulse control, but their equipment works, and they bust nuts in abused women and girls.

@basedbagel - The women who end up with truly abusive men... By the time they do, they've usually been through plenty of decent guys - guys who refused to hit them under any circumstances.

But imagine if those decent guys slapped them on the rare occasions that warranted it: Maybe they didn't want her dressing so slutty, or going out for "girl's night" with their slutty friends to get fucked by randos.

Those women would live their lives, being wives and mothers who get slapped around ➡️

@basedbagel - ➡️ on rare occasions when they're out of line. 🤷🏻‍♂️

But they don't end up murdered. They don't spawn bastard children for the state to raise. They rarely fall into drug addiction. Their young daughters are molested and force-fucked at much lower rates.

I'd call that a win. But the key, is balance. There's a lot of nuance. And defining a standard would be difficult, but worth the time, I think. 🍻

@YoMomz @basedbagel I think it is ok to back hand one across the mouth when she interrupts a man with her opinion,and tell her to “Shut the Fuck up and go fix me a Turkey Pot Pie”

@YoMomz I agree but like I said you're putting too much logic into it.

Women don't mate logically or think long term about consequences like guys do so all this talk is for naught as long as they vote.


"I'm no fan of truly abusive men - the tooth removers, the bone breakers... I don't like like those guys."

Nobody is except for damaged women.

You reap what you sew. It's rare a guy gets violent out of nowhere. They usually have a history so IDGAF

Same with crazy bitches. You warn men and they don't listen and they get steamrolled.

Experience is the best teacher for most people.


In a world where adults were in charge we could just treat women like the children they are and slap them when they act up.

" I can't help thinking to myself: What if she had simply been slapped around a little earlier in life? "

LOL I see what you're saying but water seeks its own level. Guys think women are dumb for picking dangerous men. They are well aware of the danger but it makes them feel good so they don't care.

I have no sympathy for idiots.

@YoMomz That's true but my issue is why would you say that while doxxed to a bunch of women. while you have a case where he allegedly beat a bitch up?

It's just so stupid on so many levels I can't tell if he's that retarted of if it's the glowies making us look bad.

@basedbagel @YoMomz No one can make “Us” look bad there is no “us” MGTOW red pill whatever is not a group there are no leaders it is just a way of seeing things and making decisions not to participate if this guy is making hisself look bad it is because he chose his own way and he will deal with his own consequences

That's true and it sounds good@Scubbie @YoMomz but the reality is that the secret service and FBI see us as one big group of volatile incels that are 1 bad day away from domestic terrorism.

This guy has hundreds of thousands of people that follow him so he's a reflection of the red pill unfortunately.

Good thing I never doxxed myself in real life I act blue pill af.

If you want hear rp shit from me you'll have get it out of me GITMO style.

@basedbagel @YoMomz it’ not paranoia if the FBI is really surveillancing your house and want to put you on a watch list or they take pictures of you and put it in a file or they try and set you up and get you to go inside the capital and shit on Nancy Pelosis desk just go your own way and ignore them

@Scubbie @YoMomz

I'm doing my best but it's not easy to go your own way with the state in the way.

@basedbagel @YoMomz hate to brake it to you but this has been going on for generations upon generations your just now discovering it so it feels shiny and still has the new car smell for you

@Scubbie @YoMomz

I get that.

It's not that it's new to me but it's never threatened my life before.

The only reason I was able to dodge the vax mandate was because I had goo'd credit and lied to my parents so they'd let me stay with them.

@Scubbie @YoMomz

Also I just so happened to listen to the right youtubers before the state\big tech shadowbanned everyone worth listening to

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