@dander @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey - I heard yesterday or the day before (just before that secondary bridge in Crimea was attacked)... The Russian govt announced that if the West did not cease and desist in supplying Ukraine with weapons and materiel, then Russia would consider NATO to be a co-belligerant, and would consider itself to be at war with NATO.

Now this from the US. It seems as though the last fig leaf is being removed.


@dander @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey - Personally, when it comes to getting nuked... I have my fingers crossed for a high-altitude (stratospheric) nuclear detonation (EMP attack).

It would wreck all electronics... and while military systems are (maybe probably) fortified, when all other US infrastructure and comms goes down... There's a fair chance the US military will be neutralized (in the sense that operations are no longer feasible).

It's humanity's best scenario for a survivable nuclear war. 🍻

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