@shortstories - I don't talk about such things offline, because there's really no point to it, and it would be a waste of my breath.
As far as Judaism teaching the enslavement or extermination of anyone who isn't Jewish... 🤔 If that's true, then they're not very good at it. I admit, it could be true, for all I know. I've never looked into it.
But I plan to adopt a similar attitude someday. I'm not inspired by Jews, but by Muslims. They're good at that. 😂
@shortstories - in-group status will be determined by tax-status, and general contribution to the community. I expect it will be entirely male. And in-group status (perhaps "citizenship") will come with many legal benefits and rights.
Out-group people (the goyim or kuffar), will certainly be third class (second-class would be the non-citizen dependants of citizens - wives and children).
Anyhow, I think Christianity is doomed by its own logical flaws.
Jews do not follow the old testament
They follow other religious scriptures
Here is some of their teachings to hate gentiles
@shortstories - To be clear, I don't like it. And I prefer that people live together peacefully, without pushing their own beliefs onto others.
But there's no denying that the civilization which has tried that, is currently dying. So, it becomes a case of: if you can't beat'em, join them.
I don't plan to be Muslim. But I plan to incorporate that concept of in-group vs. out-group. It won't be based on religion or race (I plan to have a pagan community, and I'm a mutt). But instead, ➡️