@37712 - Yeah, I too would make rape a death sentence. But I would define it as a property crime, prosecuted/reported by the male affected (husband, father, or nearest male relative).
For an offender who is otherwise valuable to the community, castration may be considered as an alternative to execution.
Basically, the thing that would make rape so terrible in a patriarchal community, is that it amounts to forced cuckoldry. And that shit deserves a death sentence. 🍻
@37712 - Out group war brides of course, are another matter. Ideally, I would prefer to see them assigned to warriors untouched.
But a combat environment is dynamic and unpredictable. And the fact is, all the authority in the world only goes so far, under such conditions.
So it's bound to happen. But I would do what I can to discourage the practice. And hopefully, the warriors available will be high enough IQ, to see the benefit of having untouched war brides assigned in good condition.