@Tfmonkey you often talk about how rape is not that big of a deal but just 3 or 4 shows ago you talked about a white couple in Europe that both the guy and his girl both got gang raped by a african gang of migrants and the guy ended up killing himself. Rape is different for different people, it can be a complete brainfuck for many ppl and then there are ppl who are able to put it behind them, killing rapists is the right thing to do specially if they rape women bc women are basically children
@37712 - Out group war brides of course, are another matter. Ideally, I would prefer to see them assigned to warriors untouched.
But a combat environment is dynamic and unpredictable. And the fact is, all the authority in the world only goes so far, under such conditions.
So it's bound to happen. But I would do what I can to discourage the practice. And hopefully, the warriors available will be high enough IQ, to see the benefit of having untouched war brides assigned in good condition.