To clear up any confusion for the morally bankrupt...

Who would the gay Roman Emperor Hadrian be rooting for right now?

Thanks for playing.

@Tfmonkey - Morally bankrupt??

I was told all morality was subjective. And Modern Morality Theory (mmt) says we can spin morality however we like without ever going bankrupt. 🤔

Let's see... 🤔 Hadrian was in charge of the known world in his day. And I'm often told that Jews run the world... 🤔 But it's hard to believe Israel is the actual seat of power, sitting as it does on the front lines of a cold war against patriarchy and 1.2M Muslims. 🤔


@Tfmonkey - So... Hadrian would be an unknown white Anglo-Saxon protestant American, with properties across the eastern seaboard, running a currently failing cathedral... and he'd be rooting for Israel. 😅🍻

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