
To clear up any confusion for the morally bankrupt...

Who would the gay Roman Emperor Hadrian be rooting for right now?

Thanks for playing.

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@Tfmonkey Both, he would sit it out until time for clean up.

@Tfmonkey Himself.

He'd spit on the muslims and the shit job they're doing and would demand to be put in charge to deal with jews once more, as the world clearly needs him now more than ever.

Then, when all is done, he'd visit a truck stop.

@Tfmonkey - Morally bankrupt??

I was told all morality was subjective. And Modern Morality Theory (mmt) says we can spin morality however we like without ever going bankrupt. 🤔

Let's see... 🤔 Hadrian was in charge of the known world in his day. And I'm often told that Jews run the world... 🤔 But it's hard to believe Israel is the actual seat of power, sitting as it does on the front lines of a cold war against patriarchy and 1.2M Muslims. 🤔

@Tfmonkey - So... Hadrian would be an unknown white Anglo-Saxon protestant American, with properties across the eastern seaboard, running a currently failing cathedral... and he'd be rooting for Israel. 😅🍻

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey This is a misunderstanding common to the modern age. Morality is constructed by humans, yes, but it's not arbitrary. People construct morality for good reasons and based around organizing principles that are more or less universal.

@philosophy @Tfmonkey - Oh, don't mind me... I was just yanking a chain - for funsies. It sounded funny in my head, at least. 😅🍻

@Tfmonkey can you just give us the answer monkey cuz I really dont know and the dumb asses in the replies dont seem to know either

@Tfmonkey I firmly believe he would scream racial slurs while having gay buttsex with his underage concubine.

Them “you are a wrong, your morality is bankrupt!l

@Tfmonkey “Alright then I won’t tell you my opinion, what do you think is the morality correct opinion”

Them “uhhhhhhhh” (computer glitching sounds) (smoke billowing out of their eyes and ears) (head explodes)

@37712 @Tfmonkey in order to understand the gay emperor you must walk a mile in his footsteps. and by "walk a mile" i mean take 10560 thrust of a 6 inch cock up your ass. only then will you know the answer to TFMs riddle

@Tfmonkey He wouldn’t have a dog in that fight since Rome holds no territory in the region

@Tfmonkey The Funny thing Muslim were The ones The finally put to an End The Roman ways when they conquered The Bizantine Empire

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