@VooDooMedic - I once got pulled over for speeding when I wasn't. A car was passing me, and the radar gun must've picked that up. I talked my way out of it, but had I been unsuccessful... it's not as though I would've shot a cop over it.

Much like jumping out of a plane with no parachute, the "muh guns" maneuver can be pulled precisely once. And most all the people who would ever do such a thing, understand this.

So there's that to consider.


@VooDooMedic - America is a big place, with lots of people. And there's been multiculturalism from the beginning (hence, the mutt pedigree). Point being, not everyone is on the same page, or holds the same values, or speaks the same language.

A lot of very vocal people love the thought of being a well-cared for slave, and if it costs their children... Well that's a sacrifice they're willing to make.

We're still trying to figure out who stands where.

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@YoMomz you cant organise you cant form anything close to a rebellion I'd say youve already fucken lost at the point where youre waiting for someone else not me to do something

@VooDooMedic - To that point: Even if success were somehow guaranteed, why would I liberate a country for people who disgust me... and are disgusted by me and my own love of freedom?

I wouldn't. 💁🏻‍♂️

@YoMomz you wouldn't liberate the country for others you would liberate the country for your own freedom

@VooDooMedic - Well, it's a cost/benefit analysis. Genocide is a lot of work - gotta be thorough. And being a mutt myself, it wouldn't make a lot of sense for me. 🤔😅

I'm perfectly fine with a mass purge on ideological lines (I call it ideocide)... but that's even more work. You gotta investigate hundreds of millions to figure who goes into the dirt. That's serious work.

So, I prefer to start my own country after collapse. That's manageable, and ironically, it's the more realistic approach.

@VooDooMedic - I mean, lines have been crossed... People have had biological time bombs injected into them. Children's dicks have been cut off. And people gotta go into the dirt - they absolutely have to. And they will.

But here's the beautiful part: I don't have to put them there. They will do it to themselves.

When Noah's neighbors were a bunch of assholes, Noah didn't have to do them in. He just built a boat, and let the rain do it.

It's fiction, but the point stands. 🍻

@YoMomz ultimately you are right they will die eventuality but i refuse to let them kill me when they find out it can't be stopped and it's happening now, not 40 years in the future

@VooDooMedic - I've been working on my boat for a while (over 10 years). It's no luxury yacht, but it stands a good chance.

But I've learned a lot in the process. There is a massive need for labor, and trustworthy help - more than one man, or 10 men can manage. Survival? Sure. Prosperity? Nope.

So I'm on the lookout now, and as things accelerate, for decent guys who are willing to learn... and I have a proposal for them.

Australia is far, but surely there's a similar deal to be found there?

@YoMomz possibly but I'm trying to leave here asap

@VooDooMedic - Ah, so.

Well if you should find yourself in North America... I recommend the Rockies. I also recommend obtaining a firearm ASAP. Maybe the Hollywood-style revolution is unlikely to ever manifest, but guns are still pretty useful. And there's nothing like holding the power of screaming death from 200 yards, in your own two hands... It just picks up your mood somehow. 🍻

@YoMomz I wish I could open carry would make things so much safer

@YoMomz @VooDooMedic Trustworthy males who are willing to work and learn are the most valuable commodity it seems.

@VooDooMedic - I'm long winded, and not a fast typist. 😅

Personally, I don't think the overthrow is ever gonna happen in a way that results in a unified country. For this and other reasons, though I'm a natural citizen of the United States... I no longer call myself American.

I expect collapse, balkanization, and then the gun crowd will have their way in their own locale.

But there's a small chance things go different, if the govt gets dumber (maybe not so small a chance after all them). 🍻

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