
@LysanderMooner @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey - Last I heard (circa 2015 - around the time Obama publicly called Russia a "gas station with nukes"), US was working on hypersonics, they were the next big thing, but US had yet to have a successful test. It was something like 4 failed tests in a row, and then nothing was heard about US hypersonics again, until nowadays.

I'm inclined to think the cathedral decided they wouldn't need them, and their arrogance led them to believe something like ➡️

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@LysanderMooner @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey - ➡️ "Well if *we* can't make them work, then of course those clowns in Russia couldn't make them work either". The general zeitgeist in defense blogs of the time, was that Russia was hollow - with some residual cold-war technical know-how, but no industrial capacity to field large numbers.

I wouldn't be surprised if the money for US hypersonics went to NGOs and welfare instead. The Muslims just showed up in Europe en masse around that time (2015).

2¢ 🫡🍻

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