@Based_Accelerationist - It's a fair point. At the end of the day, men's problem is other men - those enforcing the gynocracy.
And that problem is very much out of hand. So... wait for those men to perish, at least to a suitable extent that they can be confronted on more even terms, and we learn a very expensive lesson for the rebuild.
We should drop Christianity, and play our part for the ages in the meantime. 🍻
@Based_Accelerationist - I genuinely think our odds are better than average, because we're willing to see our reality for what it is, regardless of how ugly/depressing it may be.
And the key to navigating reality successfully (resulting in survival these days), is to see it accurately. 🍻
@YoMomz That's the plan. I thought the jabs would've made a bigger difference, but at this rate it seems inconsequential, given how close WW3 appears to be.
Let's hope we make it, the few who value freedom over safety.