Thinking of moving to rural Japan?

Because the Japanese mass migration to cities is still so extreme, countless villages are on the verge of dying out with abandoned houses everywhere.

The website is a platform for people to buy and sell cheap rural property — sometimes giving them away for free.

Upside: digital nomads could make it work.

Downside: the locals will always hate your guts you dirty Gajin creep motherfucker. Go back where you came from!!



Japan would be a step up for me.

1. They're not trying to kill you with a vaccine.

2. Crime rate is MUCH lower

3. People in my country already look down on me anyway so I'm well prepared.


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1. As of January 24, 2023, around 77.4 percent of the population in Japan received the second dose of the vaccine. That was dumb.

2. Crime rates are crazy low, must feel great.

3. Perfect. Get the hell out and grab yourself a free house and some real Japanese waifu tig ole bitties ..


What I meant was there was no forced vaccination. But I didn't realize it was that high 🤯

I'm working my plan to GTFO but covid really put a monkey wrench in my plans.

@basedbagel @UncleIroh dont forget that you can finally live the japanese anime kawai life style that you see in anime all the time.

@basedbagel @UncleIroh also the porn industry in Japan is desperate for male porn stars.

@37712 @basedbagel

Let's just add this all up:

Upside: A free house, low crime rate, all the big-titted Japanese poon you can jizz on while getting paid for it, no forced death-jab.

Downside: locals are racist as fuck.

All in, sounds like a great deal to me.

@UncleIroh @37712

Hell yea!

It's about time something good came from women's rights!

@UncleIroh @basedbagel 🤣 this is probably what nignogs say when they move in to a all white neighborhood bahahahaha

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