This whole "Every man good with kids want to fuck them" is satanic and unforgivable.

I happen to be good with kids and one of MY OWN "friends" called me a FUCKING PEDO.

We don't talk anymore. But I'm pretty sure he's vaxxed.

@basedbagel - Yeah... I've gotten the same treatment before. It comes mostly in the form of a side-eye, guarding behavior, and/or innuendo. I don't think anyone's name-calls me because I can appear fairly intimidating (heavy eyebrows).

To be clear: kids have never been something I'm into like that. But people still seem to make the silent assumption - as revealed in their behavior. That assumption shouldn't be dignified with response.

I'm curious about much of that is projection, or paranoia?

@basedbagel - And something sadly ironic: sex abuse actually did happen in my family, growing up.

And as I get to know people closely... more often than not, there comes a point when it comes out that they've been subjected to sexual shenanigans themselves, by adults, as children.

It's at the point now, that I almost view sex-abuse as normal (whether we would normalize it, or not). It's like some kind of rite-of-passage... which is kinda fucked up, actually.



Wow I'm sorry you had to go through that man. Abuse is definitely NOT normal and should never be normalized but God willing I will be out of the country before it ever does.

I was Shocked because it was my so called "best friend" but at this point to me all friends are temporary.

IMO him insulting me came from faithlessness and envy.

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@basedbagel - Thank you. I don't mean to mislead... It was my sister who got the worst of it.

Most people I know, they take a sort of "shit happens" view of it, and they move on. And really, that's about all anybody can do.

But yeah, if the guy who did all of that to my sister weren't already dead... I'd be sorely tempted to kill him.

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