
For those of you holding out for normies to rise up, don't hold your breath.

I've had 2 family members hospitalized already and they just neither of them made the connection yet.

Unless the gov/pharma says their plan live on TV like a supervillain only then will normies accept it.

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@basedbagel broh, I work with them every day I completely agree with you.

@basedbagel - Denial is a helluva drug. Chances are, they just don't want to deal with that "good god, what have I done?!" moment.

I'd say future history will look upon this time as the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated... But I'm kinda hoping that future history doesn't frame it so, because that would imply the same common values are held in the future. And those values are demonstrably shit.

@YoMomz Exactly, you've still got people talking about suing.

How the FUCK they're going to sue the same people that tried to kill them is beyond me.

@basedbagel Human Gene Pool is tol weak I kind of agreed with the overlords to get rid of the enttitle boomers that have no idea how economy works

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