
Cyberbullying is a real issue that's mostly overblown.

I was cyberbullied myself and made liberal use of the block button and spent more time offline.

It's not that big of deal.

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@basedbagel dont be a fucking pussy I got at most 13 ppl in my blocked list and that is because they where all spaming loli porn

@37712 .100% agreed.

I don't believe that taking bunch of bullshit from degenerate weirdos makes me stronger.

I found out you can block people by their instance and haven't had too many issues since

@basedbagel I’m sorry for calling you a unleavened pastry with a hole

@Scubbie LOL not on here I'm talking about normie socials.

I hear alot of people talking on normie socials about how cyber bullying is a big deal but I don't think it its.

I think they're using cyber bullying as a trojan horse to censor the internet.

@basedbagel yeah but crying about it is a big deal. Look at me I’m a victim

@southpole21 No I did the complete opposite of playing the victim.

I had a problem, I solved it.

The whole point of Being a victim to guilt others into solving your problems for you.

I'm not making a big deal about it I'm spreading awareness on how to deal with the issue.

@basedbagel I understand. I wasn’t saying YOU are playing the victim. Just that many people love to do so for attention.

@southpole21 I see what you're saying now.

It's unfortunate but being the victim will be even more popular now since:

1. It's an easy way to get attention
2. It allows people to absolve themselves of the accountability that comes with solving their own problems.

They'll feel better in the short term, but at the expense of a meaningful life.

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