
It all makes sense now. People struggle with big picture thinking and are easily confused by a couple layers of abstraction.

Martin Shkreli got jailtime for doing what Pfizer does but on a smaller scale.

The student loan finesse goes on because people don't understand basic math.

I don't think it's just that they're scared, but people get deer in the headlights whenever the situation has >1 layer of complexity

@basedbagel I often find they deflect when confronted with that thinking. Tjey take rational structured reasonings as 'What Ifs' saying that just because one thing leads to another is a 'what if' despite statistical/observable reality showing that x leads to y consistently or that abstracting out is faaar too complicated.

Frustrating as hell when just showing that things don't have to have happened already to be happening or be headed towards an outcome.

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