The biggest red pill i ever got was that women can't self-actualize.

I can't even imagine living like that.

How can you appreciate art, literature or architecture?

It still blows my mind

@basedbagel The biggest Red Pill I ever got was understanding that MOST of the people who I thought meant the world to me; I did not mean Anything to them. I was totally unmemorable to them. As a man, you are useless, unless you are providing value to someone else and once that flow of resources ends, so does your existence, to them.

@sardonicsmile @basedbagel I will admit, even to this day it is sad to know as a man that people will only gravitate towards me if I’m of extremely high status and usefulness. And when you’re useful and valuable people will try to ride your coat tails and get a piece of your usefulness to bring themselves up. The worse part is when you’re no longer useful, you’re disregarded like a used paper towel just thrown in the garbage. Humans are just naturally opportunistic, and selfish.




I think the reason it's sad is because you were fed lies.

Maybe I'm weird but I found it inspiring.

I always thought something was wrong with me but it just turns out I wasn't useful to anyone.

I like that if I get serious I can turn my life around.

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