
Idk why Crowder announced his divorce.

It really hurts the brand as a tradcon if you're marriage failed...

@basedbagel hopefully this will wake up some aspiring trad cucks to the failure that has become of marriage. Now that video has surfaced of them two in the patio, he is fucked and she's going to get everything.

That's true but to be fair if you live with someone and you have a camera you can make them look crazy.

My sister did the same shit to me. You can't hold frame 24/7 that's why you shouldn't live with hoes with rights.

Only if you live in the west outside of a patriarchal community.

I have a number and as soon as i hit it I'm heading east!

@basedbagel Yeah, anyone who is really truly Trad would not suggest any man get married with the state of marriage and women. It's simply not for men in the west whatsoever. People call it being hopeless.and blackpilled, but I say it's realistic and better to suggest men find a live abroad at this point if they want families.

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