I say this as a God fearing pastry:

The prodigal son parable makes no sense!

1 son does everything he's supposed to do as a responsible adult and gets nothing.

The other son blows all of his money on the modern-day equivalent of hookers and blow.

He only returns home because he's too poor to keep up his degenerate lifestyle.

Then instead of punishment he gets a feast and a massive party! WTF?!

Christians will tell you this is a great story because... Forgiveness?

Give me a break! 🙄

@basedbagel - Yeah, I've been dealing with "Christian" hypocrisy along the same lines directed at me by some extended family, for a while now... so I've been giving this theme a lot of thought.

The phrase "it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission" is at the core of christian ideology. And the reason is simple: by asking forgiveness, you are essentially granting someone power over you. They would have you live all your days, in a state of contrition and repentance, always striving ➡️

@basedbagel - to earn their "forgiveness".

And it speaks to the fundamental human desire to rule in hell, rather than serve in heaven (both used metaphorically here). The father of the story, has gained a power over his prodigal son, that he doesn't have over his dutiful son. And sure, that's emotional power over a disinherited degenerate... but he seems happy enough about it.

And that seems to encapsulate the entire concept of the church. 💁🏻‍♂️



Well said. I still believe in God but christians SWEAR that story makes sense when they know it doesn't.

By their logic why don't you just do whatever you want and then just say I'm really sorry a rather than doing what you know is right at all times which is actually difficult?

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