
Editing your pictures to make yourself more attractive is witchcraft!

From now on no female is attractive unless I see them in person

@basedbagel you ever see the Chris Rock skit about how women tell the biggest lies? He points out how women live a constant lie with their makeup.

Now add to this skit the current image manipulation filters and it highlights that women lie about themselves every single fucking day.

Meeting them in person is one thing, but dunking their face in water and washing the lies off is another. Baptise these bitches.


I forgot about that but it's SO true..

They even have filters that work in video now so you can't even trust video chat to see if they're legit.

One of my pet peeves is getting allexcited and nervous just to find out it's a mid bitch with makeup on. 😡

It's like you weren't even that ugly but now that you lied to me you may as well be!

"Baptise these bitches."


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